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In brief, my method can be broken into two parts of which each part can further be broken into steps:

  1. Research

    a. Find related work.

    b. Review related work.

    c. Assess related work.

  2. Implementation

    a. Develop an example application which demonstrates the problem.

    b. Develop the solution to the problem in the example application.

    c. Extract the solution from the example application into a library.


I explore related work to gain a greater insight into potential ways of solving the problem and to find pre-existing solutions to potentially draw from, use in, integrate into, or embed into my solution.

I search for related work with the initial search terms:

  • "cloud firestore client-side sdk features but open-source and not google"

  • "open-source, non-google solutions for listening to queries like in cloud firestore client-side sdk"

I compare related work based on the following items:

  • Modularity

    • Full stack
      The solution is full stack, meaning it comes with both a server-side component and a client-side component.

    • Backend-agnostic
      The solution is backend-agnostic, meaning it can be used with any kind of backend.

    • Modular
      The solution is modular, meaning it can be incrementally adopted or used in a partial manner. The solution is shipped more like a toolkit where you can pick and use the tools you like and discard the rest and less like a solution that you either must buy into entirely or not use at all.

  • Developer experience

  • UI framework integrations

  • ORM (Object-Relation Mapping) capabilities

    • Relationship tracking
      The solution "understands" relationships in your data.

    • Live queries
      The solution provides a mechanism to listen for when the result of a query for data changes.

  • Consideration of asynchronicity and concurrency

    • Optimistic updates
      The solution provides a dedicated mechanism for optimistic updates and the use-case of optimistic updates was taken into consideration in the design of the solution.

    • Browser tab sync
      The solution provides a way to synchronize the state between browser tabs.

  • Offline support

    • Offline-first
      The solution embraces the offline-first use-case and can be used to power offline-first web experiences.

    • Data persistence
      The solution provides a mechanism to persist data.

    • Create when offline, publish when online
      The solution provides a mechanism to create data when offline, persist it locally, and publish it to any potential remote data source once the client's network is reconnected (the remote data source becomes available again).

TanStack Query and the Cloud Firestore client-side SDK are included in the comparison for the sake of reference.

The items are a union of key features of the solutions being compared.

The purpose of the comparison is to map out where each solution predominantly exists in the problem space and how much territory it covers.

I decide on how to proceed with my solution which can take care of the query cache updating in a generic and robust way.

I assess if and to what degree related work can be utilized in my solution. I want to avoid reinventing the wheel, so, if possible, my solution should be an integration of pre-existing solution and not an entirely new solution.


I first solve the problem in an example application which uses TanStack Query. I then extract the solution into a separate library.

Developing an example application

I develop an example application which uses TanStack Query, and which acts as a sandbox for developing the solution to the problem as well as a practical example of the problem, prior to the solution being developed in it.

The application should resemble a typical chat application, the likes of

The UI is expected to look like this:

typical chat app UI

Figure 1. Example chat application UI

On the left-hand side, you have a list of chat rooms. On the right-hand side, you have a list of messages in the currently selected chat room.

Detailed requirements

  • It should be able to fetch and display a list of chat rooms.

    • Ordered by when the latest chat message was sent, descending.

    • A preview of the latest chat message should be displayed in the chat room list item.

    • The list should be an "infinite scroll" list, meaning it should load more chat rooms as the user scrolls down.

  • It should let the user select a chat room to view the messages in that room and send new messages to that room.

  • It should be able to fetch and display a list of chat messages in the currently selected chat room.

    • Ordered by when the chat message was sent, descending.

    • The list should be an "infinite scroll" list, meaning it should load more chat messages as the user scrolls to the end of the list.

  • It should let the user send a new chat message to the currently selected room.

  • It should automatically and as quickly as possible update the UI to reflect changes to the data when new chat messages arrive or when the user has sent a new chat message.

Solving the problem

I solve the problem in the example application.

This method was chosen due to its agile attributes. Carving out the solution this way benefits from quick iteration and a tight feedback loop and you stay close to reality as your development server provides you with real-time feedback on whether your solution works in practice or not and whether it actually solves the problem or not.

Packaging the solution as a library

I extract the solution from the example application into a separate library, and package it in a way which allows it to be consumed and used in any application that uses TanStack Query, with minimal additional configuration.